Moonlight your way to getting employees to enroll early!

Without having to hire or rely on a marketing or video editing team!

create your
OE Launch
The value of benefits has never been more important than it is right now. The OE Launch Video will help you start off a successful open enrollment period by grabbing your employee’s attention and ensuring they are ready to evaluate their benefits. 

What's an OE Launch Video?

It’s a personalized video that kicks off your open enrollment in style. It announces open enrollment to employees with a high-end, great quality, professional-looking video that is sure to impress employees. It gets right to the most important stuff – OE dates, what to expect, and how to enroll. 

OE Launch Video Prototype

Here's What It Does

  • Alerts employees of when open enrollment starts and ends
  • Explains what open enrollment is
  • ​Helps employees prepare to change, drop and add benefits
  • ​ Points your employee straight to your enrollment platform

Personalized Video

Personalize the video just for you and your company! View this video as the prototype to your finished version. We take your OE info and company brand and turn it into a professionally looking video within 5 business days.

Here's what you can personalize:

Main Colors
Main color
Background color
Background color
Replace company logo
Company logo
OE dates
OE dates
Enroll URL
Enroll URL
Text for bullet points and icons

A Video that Makes an Impact

There isn’t a better way to get your employees’ attention than with the OE Launch Video. 
  • Employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than to read
  • ​48% of employees consider video the most engaging form of communication
  • Video is more effective than email. 67% of employees are better at completing tasks (such as evaluating/selecting benefits) when information includes video.

OE Launch Video is compatible with any communication method

The video is available in the most-used formats (.MOV or MP4) allowing you to instantly use it for your needs. You simply select which format you want when you order the video. We can even host the video on our video hosting service if you don’t have one. 

So use the OE Launch Video on your:
• HR website,
• Intranet,
• enrollment platform,
• newsletter,
• blog,
• social media,

and be sure to text and email it to employees too!

Save countless hours by using this pre-made prototype
Because the OE Launch Video is a pre-made prototype (template), 
we can take your brand and info and turn it into a premium, 
professionally animated video within ONLY 5 business days. 

Premium Video
Average Production Time

6 - 8 Weeks


OE Launch Video 
Production Time

5 Business Days

Take A Look at the Pre-Made Prototype One More Time...
OE Launch video
How does video personalization work?


Purchase the video


Fill out the form you get in the confirmation email and upload your logo


We personalize the video with your logo, color selection, OE dates, text and enroll URL.


Your personalized OE Launch Video is now ready for your website, email campaigns and HR team. Go engage your employees!

The decision is now.
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